
Bali beaches

Bali is a famous tourist destination in Indonesia and is widely known for its exquisite beaches and Spa Centres.

The beach experience in Bali can be relished at different locations spread across the Bali coast. First is the Balina Beach which is about 4 km from Candi Dasa on the road to Klungkung. It's a newly developed tourist Beach Resort which has come up rapidly in the last few years. The sand here is lighter in colour and it is a perfect place to enjoy water sport.

Moving further is Lovina Beach at 10 km from the west-south-west of Singaraja, on the shores of the Bali Sea. Although the quality of the beach is not particularly high, as it is narrow, with dark-collared sand, is a pleasant place for perfect bathing holiday, much quieter than the crowded beaches of southern Bali.

The spa menu is the most comprehensive in Bali and it is possible to see resident experts, such as the Naturopath, Nutritionist, Ayurvedic Doctor, Counselling Psychologist and have classes with the Pilates Instructor and Yoga Teacher.

Talking about Spa centres one can plan for spa health retreat named COMO Shambhala Estate situated at Begawan Giri along with other places such as Le Spa has which has 5 treatment villas. Each has its own characteristic based on the treatments that you will take.

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