This is a brief overview of the calculation and payment of corporate tax in Indonesia.
1. Indonesia operates a self-assessed taxation system that is similar to many other countries.
2. Rates are stepped and top out at 30% of taxable income.
3. Expenses are deducted from revenue to arrive at taxable income.
4. Indonesian GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) is very similar to those of other countries.
5. Revenues are revenues in any language and should be declared and can be subject to tax audit. Reimbursements are not considered as revenue, but any mark-up will be.
6. Expenses are normal operating expenses of a company but there are some expenses that cannot be included for tax purposes:
7. Fringe Benefits (What the company pays on behalf of the employee that the employee would normally pay for himself/herself).
8. Fines and interest for late reporting/payment of taxes.
9. Vacation airfares, housing and schooling for expatriate staff and families.
10. There are also some strange interpretations by the tax office on other expenses that need knowledge of the relevant rules to argue against.
11. Taxes are paid throughout the year to maintain even flow of funds into the State treasury and maintain a reasonably even cash flow for the company.
12. One twelfth of the tax due for the previous year is paid each month in the current year less corporate tax withheld by third parties.
13. When you import into Indonesia there is corporate tax withheld by Customs and paid to the Tax Office on your behalf.
14. When customers pay you for services there is corporate tax withheld and paid to the Tax Office on your behalf.
15. Likewise when you make payments to your suppliers there may well be corporate tax that you withhold and pay on behalf of your supplier.
16. These rates of withholding tax vary dependent upon internal Indonesia, external Indonesia and what type of service/supplies was concerned.
17. The aim of the company is to finish the year in a tax underpayment situation as to receive a tax refund or carry forward means a tax audit must be performed. Good planning ensures this.
18. On top of corporate tax there is a wide-ranging VAT/GST system mainly rated at 10% and some items will also attract a luxury sales tax. Exports are rated 0% but refunds must undergo a field audit by the tax office.
19. VAT/GST allows for monthly offsets of inputs over outputs and excess inputs can be carried forward to the subsequent months. Or a refund claimed.
20. All tax payments are made via the banking or the postal system to receive credit for them.
21. Proof must be given or received where withholding tax is involved to obtain the credit.
22. Of course there are variations in taxes within certain industries with tax facilities that are too detailed to be listed here.
23. Indonesia has Double Tax Treaties with a number of countries and with good planning your firm may well be able to utilize available benefits.
24. Tax withheld by Indonesian resident companies to overseas will be treated as prepaid tax in the recipient country.
How to find a tax consultant
Most of the large international accounting firms have staff that can help you to prepare your taxes, both Indonesian and foreign.
Expatriate Associatoins in Indonesia
Just as in your home country, joining a business association is a great way to learn more about what is going on in the local business community and to meet colleagues. In Jakarta, there are several well-established country-specific business associations with memberships of hundreds of business people.
Staying informed, learning about how Indonesian government rulings are affecting business, meeting new people and widening your business contacts is perhaps even more important in a foreign posting where the conditions that affect business will be unknown to a newcomer. Becoming involved and setting up a good network will benefit you in many ways.
Below is a listing of contact information for expatriate business associations. We encourage newcomers to contact their national association and learn about what services they offer.
American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham)
World Trade Center, 11th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 12920
Tel. (62-21) 526-2860
Fax (62-21) 526-2861
Joe Bartlett, President
Mark Smith, Executive Director
Membership - 400
Indonesia-Australia Business Council (IABC)
World Trade Center, 11th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920 Indonesia
Tel (62-21) 521-1540
Fax (62-21) 521-1541
Website Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC)
Mr. S.D. Darmono, President
Mr. Vic Halim, Executive Director
Membership - 200
British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (BritCham)
Wisma Metropolitan I F/15
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31
Jakarta 12920
Tel. (62-21) 5229453
Fax (62-21) 5279135
Chairman : Mr. Malcolm Llewollyn
Executive Director: Chris Wren
Business Development Manager: Lukas Rahmidin
Membership - 800
Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC)
Sampoerna Strategic Square
South Tower 17th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 45
Tel. (62-21) 2555-2243
Fax (62-21) 5795-1177
Mr. David Beynon – President ICCC
Vita Antasari – Executive Director
Danish Business Council
Jl. Kencana Permai V no 15
Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Tel. (62-21) 750-3204
Jakob Friis Sorensen and Michael Lundager
Membership -
Finnish Business Council
Embassy of Finland, Menara Rajawali, 9th floor
Jl Mega Kuningan, Lot 5.1, Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta
Tel. +62-21-576 1650
President Risto Poskiparta
Members: 23
Indonesian French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI)
Jalan Wijaya II No. 36
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160
Tel. (62-21) 739-7161
Fax (62-21) 739-7168
President: Mr. Alain-Pierre Mignon
Director: Nora Guitet
Membership - 130
German Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (EKONID)
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115
Jakarta 10310 Indonesia
(P.O. Box 3151/JKT, Jakarta 10031)
Tel. (62-21) 315-4685
Fax (62-21) 315-5276
Website or
Mr. Jan Rönnfeld, Director
Membership - 530
Economic Association of Indonesia and India (ECAII)
Intarti (Iin)
c/o PT Tripar Multivision Plus
Komplek Perkantoran Roxy Mas Blok C2 No. 27-34
Jln. K.H. Hasyim Ashari Kav. 125B
Jakarta Pusat – 10150
Tel. +62-21-6335050 Ext 219, +62-21-6324329
Fax +62-21-6324370
Chairman Marzuki Usman
Membership - 80 Corporate Members
European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Eurocham)
World Trade Center, 8th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920
Phone (62 21) 521-1650
Fax (62 21) 521-1651
President, Patrick Jonathan
Italian Business Association Indonesia (IBAI)
Wisma BRI II, 15th Floor, Suite 1501
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 44-46
Jakarta 10210 Indonesia
Tel. +62 (21) 571-3540
Fax +62 (21) 571-9013
Dr. Luigi Carlo Gastel, President
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Summitmas I, 6th Fl.
Jl Jen. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 520-0264 / 5251-3650
Fax (62-21) 520-0261
Mr. Kusaoke Sadonoobu
Membership -
Korea Trade Center (KOTRA)
Wisma GKBI, 21st Floor, Suite 2102
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28
Jakarta 10210
Tel. 62-21-574-1522
Fax 62-21-572-2187, 572-2204
Mr. Kim Byung Kwon, Director General
Indonesian-Netherlands Association (INA)
Indonesian-Benelux Chamber of Commerce
Menara Jamsostek, Tower A - 20th floor, Room 2002
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38
Jakarta 12710
Tel. (62-21) 5290-2177
Fax. (62-21) 5290-2178,
Mr. Elmar Bouma, Director
Membership -
Indonesian Norwegain Business Council
c/o Tirta Samudera Caraka
Cordova Tower, Lt. 2
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Blok E No. 3
Ancol - Jakarta Utara 14430
Tel. 62-21-645 7624
Fax 62-21-645 7628
Email inbc_sec@
Mr. Tor Fjæran, President
Membership -
Swedish Business Association in Indonesia
Swedish Business Association c/o Embassy of Sweden
Menara Rajawali, 9th floor 3, Mega Kuningan Lot #5,1
Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
Fax (021) 4261033
Mr. Michael Olsson, Secretary
Membership - 36 Members
Taiwan Business Club
Jl Raya Kelapa Hibrida Block QH
Kelapa Gading
Jakarta 14240 Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 451-3525
Fax (62-21) 451-3524
Mr. Frank Lee, Director
Membership -
Indonesian Business Associations Overseas
American-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (AICC)
317 Madison Ave., Suite 1619
New York, NY 10017 USA
Tel. (212) 687-4505
Fax (212) 687-5844
Mr. Wayne Forrest, Executive Director
Membership - 195
Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC)
Indonesia New Zealand Business Community
Staying informed, learning about how Indonesian government rulings are affecting business, meeting new people and widening your business contacts is perhaps even more important in a foreign posting where the conditions that affect business will be unknown to a newcomer. Becoming involved and setting up a good network will benefit you in many ways.
Below is a listing of contact information for expatriate business associations. We encourage newcomers to contact their national association and learn about what services they offer.
American Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (AmCham)
World Trade Center, 11th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 12920
Tel. (62-21) 526-2860
Fax (62-21) 526-2861
Joe Bartlett, President
Mark Smith, Executive Director
Membership - 400
Indonesia-Australia Business Council (IABC)
World Trade Center, 11th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920 Indonesia
Tel (62-21) 521-1540
Fax (62-21) 521-1541
Website Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC)
Mr. S.D. Darmono, President
Mr. Vic Halim, Executive Director
Membership - 200
British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (BritCham)
Wisma Metropolitan I F/15
Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29 - 31
Jakarta 12920
Tel. (62-21) 5229453
Fax (62-21) 5279135
Chairman : Mr. Malcolm Llewollyn
Executive Director: Chris Wren
Business Development Manager: Lukas Rahmidin
Membership - 800
Indonesia Canada Chamber of Commerce (ICCC)
Sampoerna Strategic Square
South Tower 17th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 45
Tel. (62-21) 2555-2243
Fax (62-21) 5795-1177
Mr. David Beynon – President ICCC
Vita Antasari – Executive Director
Danish Business Council
Jl. Kencana Permai V no 15
Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan
Tel. (62-21) 750-3204
Jakob Friis Sorensen and Michael Lundager
Membership -
Finnish Business Council
Embassy of Finland, Menara Rajawali, 9th floor
Jl Mega Kuningan, Lot 5.1, Kuningan, 12950 Jakarta
Tel. +62-21-576 1650
President Risto Poskiparta
Members: 23
Indonesian French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI)
Jalan Wijaya II No. 36
Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12160
Tel. (62-21) 739-7161
Fax (62-21) 739-7168
President: Mr. Alain-Pierre Mignon
Director: Nora Guitet
Membership - 130
German Indonesian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (EKONID)
Jl. H. Agus Salim No. 115
Jakarta 10310 Indonesia
(P.O. Box 3151/JKT, Jakarta 10031)
Tel. (62-21) 315-4685
Fax (62-21) 315-5276
Website or
Mr. Jan Rönnfeld, Director
Membership - 530
Economic Association of Indonesia and India (ECAII)
Intarti (Iin)
c/o PT Tripar Multivision Plus
Komplek Perkantoran Roxy Mas Blok C2 No. 27-34
Jln. K.H. Hasyim Ashari Kav. 125B
Jakarta Pusat – 10150
Tel. +62-21-6335050 Ext 219, +62-21-6324329
Fax +62-21-6324370
Chairman Marzuki Usman
Membership - 80 Corporate Members
European Business Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia (Eurocham)
World Trade Center, 8th Floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920
Phone (62 21) 521-1650
Fax (62 21) 521-1651
President, Patrick Jonathan
Italian Business Association Indonesia (IBAI)
Wisma BRI II, 15th Floor, Suite 1501
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 44-46
Jakarta 10210 Indonesia
Tel. +62 (21) 571-3540
Fax +62 (21) 571-9013
Dr. Luigi Carlo Gastel, President
Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Summitmas I, 6th Fl.
Jl Jen. Sudirman Kav. 61-62
Jakarta 12190 Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 520-0264 / 5251-3650
Fax (62-21) 520-0261
Mr. Kusaoke Sadonoobu
Membership -
Korea Trade Center (KOTRA)
Wisma GKBI, 21st Floor, Suite 2102
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 28
Jakarta 10210
Tel. 62-21-574-1522
Fax 62-21-572-2187, 572-2204
Mr. Kim Byung Kwon, Director General
Indonesian-Netherlands Association (INA)
Indonesian-Benelux Chamber of Commerce
Menara Jamsostek, Tower A - 20th floor, Room 2002
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto No. 38
Jakarta 12710
Tel. (62-21) 5290-2177
Fax. (62-21) 5290-2178,
Mr. Elmar Bouma, Director
Membership -
Indonesian Norwegain Business Council
c/o Tirta Samudera Caraka
Cordova Tower, Lt. 2
Jl. Pasir Putih Raya Blok E No. 3
Ancol - Jakarta Utara 14430
Tel. 62-21-645 7624
Fax 62-21-645 7628
Email inbc_sec@
Mr. Tor Fjæran, President
Membership -
Swedish Business Association in Indonesia
Swedish Business Association c/o Embassy of Sweden
Menara Rajawali, 9th floor 3, Mega Kuningan Lot #5,1
Kawasan Mega Kuningan Jakarta 12950
Fax (021) 4261033
Mr. Michael Olsson, Secretary
Membership - 36 Members
Taiwan Business Club
Jl Raya Kelapa Hibrida Block QH
Kelapa Gading
Jakarta 14240 Indonesia
Tel. (62-21) 451-3525
Fax (62-21) 451-3524
Mr. Frank Lee, Director
Membership -
Indonesian Business Associations Overseas
American-Indonesian Chamber of Commerce (AICC)
317 Madison Ave., Suite 1619
New York, NY 10017 USA
Tel. (212) 687-4505
Fax (212) 687-5844
Mr. Wayne Forrest, Executive Director
Membership - 195
Australia Indonesia Business Council (AIBC)
Indonesia New Zealand Business Community
Bali Fruit's
The exotic, interesting fruits of Bali, and indeed the rest of Asia, are one of the best reasons for visiting. Bananas, coconuts and pineapples are well known - although you may not be prepared for the numerous varieties of bananas that are available.
The mangoes and papayas or pawpaws, which are now available in the West, are better in Bali. They have their seasons. Others are not available outside the tropics because they do not travel well and may not even be known outside Bali.
Tasty, interesting fruits are:
Durian :
The durian legendary is in the tropics. People either love it or hate it. It has an obnoxious smell and frightening appearance, weighs about 3 or 4 kilograms and is covered in large spikes. It is yellowish-green and has a hard shell. A creamy white pulp covers the seeds, which is what people eat.
Very good durians are for sale on the Kedewatan road from Ubud to Ponggang at the beginning of the rainy season in November.
Mangosteen :
Everyone likes this delicious sweet fruit. Queen Victoria offered to knight the first person who could get it to England in an edible condition. Nobdy succeeded. The shell is deep purple. It is a bit hard and has to be twisted or cut off to reveal four or five segments of brilliant white fruit. The season starts in Decembe
Lychee :
These are a native of South China. Payangan is the only place in Bali where they are cultivated. They taste acidic-sweet, rather like a grape. The season is late November. The bright red clusters of fruit are very attractive to fruit-eating bats, which usually get there first and finish them in one night.
These are known as pawpaws in the West. They are bigger in the tropics. The flesh is pink and rich in vitamin A. They are eaten at breakfast. There is no season
Mango :
Mangoes are particularly good in Bali. The season starts in September. They can be big. The best way to cut them is in four lengthwise cuts and then peel. Mango juice is good.
Rambutan :
This red, hairy fruit grows in bunches in tall trees. Its name means "hairy", which describes it well. Take off the skin and eat the white, refreshing acid-sweet flesh that covers the single seed. The season starts in December
Jackfruit :
These big, heavy, yellow fruits are very unusual and versatile. They be fried or eaten raw. They can also be cooked when they look like chunky pieces of meat. They are therefore ideal for vegetarians. They are the largest of all tropical fruits and weigh as much as 50 kilos.
The skin and protective white covering must be removed. Jackfruit juice tastes good. Jackfruit wood is yellow, easy to carve and is used for making wooden stands for musical instruments in the gamelan orchestra.
Pomelo :
The grapefruit is a descendant of the pomelo. Pomelos are bigger than grapefruits. The flesh is coarse and needs to be cut away to reveal the pomelo segments. They are bigger, sweeter and have a more subtle taste than a grapefruit.
Salak :
This fruit looks like a pear and has a reddish-brown, snake-like, scaly skin, which is easily peeled off to reveal crunchy, slightly astringent, white flesh. It grows in east Bali.
Star fruit: Blimbing
This yellowish-green five starred fruit is crisp and usually sweet.
Sirzak :
This large fruit is green on the outside, white on the inside, with an acidic-sweet taste.
The mangoes and papayas or pawpaws, which are now available in the West, are better in Bali. They have their seasons. Others are not available outside the tropics because they do not travel well and may not even be known outside Bali.
Tasty, interesting fruits are:
Durian :
The durian legendary is in the tropics. People either love it or hate it. It has an obnoxious smell and frightening appearance, weighs about 3 or 4 kilograms and is covered in large spikes. It is yellowish-green and has a hard shell. A creamy white pulp covers the seeds, which is what people eat.
Very good durians are for sale on the Kedewatan road from Ubud to Ponggang at the beginning of the rainy season in November.
Mangosteen :
Everyone likes this delicious sweet fruit. Queen Victoria offered to knight the first person who could get it to England in an edible condition. Nobdy succeeded. The shell is deep purple. It is a bit hard and has to be twisted or cut off to reveal four or five segments of brilliant white fruit. The season starts in Decembe
Lychee :
These are a native of South China. Payangan is the only place in Bali where they are cultivated. They taste acidic-sweet, rather like a grape. The season is late November. The bright red clusters of fruit are very attractive to fruit-eating bats, which usually get there first and finish them in one night.
These are known as pawpaws in the West. They are bigger in the tropics. The flesh is pink and rich in vitamin A. They are eaten at breakfast. There is no season
Mango :
Mangoes are particularly good in Bali. The season starts in September. They can be big. The best way to cut them is in four lengthwise cuts and then peel. Mango juice is good.
Rambutan :
This red, hairy fruit grows in bunches in tall trees. Its name means "hairy", which describes it well. Take off the skin and eat the white, refreshing acid-sweet flesh that covers the single seed. The season starts in December
Jackfruit :
These big, heavy, yellow fruits are very unusual and versatile. They be fried or eaten raw. They can also be cooked when they look like chunky pieces of meat. They are therefore ideal for vegetarians. They are the largest of all tropical fruits and weigh as much as 50 kilos.
The skin and protective white covering must be removed. Jackfruit juice tastes good. Jackfruit wood is yellow, easy to carve and is used for making wooden stands for musical instruments in the gamelan orchestra.
Pomelo :
The grapefruit is a descendant of the pomelo. Pomelos are bigger than grapefruits. The flesh is coarse and needs to be cut away to reveal the pomelo segments. They are bigger, sweeter and have a more subtle taste than a grapefruit.
Salak :
This fruit looks like a pear and has a reddish-brown, snake-like, scaly skin, which is easily peeled off to reveal crunchy, slightly astringent, white flesh. It grows in east Bali.
Star fruit: Blimbing
This yellowish-green five starred fruit is crisp and usually sweet.
Sirzak :
This large fruit is green on the outside, white on the inside, with an acidic-sweet taste.
bALi GoLf

Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club Designed by Peter Thomson and Michael Wolveridge and Associates, Bali Handara is probably the island's most well known golf course. This is due to it being ranked in the top 50 courses in the world in 1979/80. Bali Handara is 3700 feet above sea level and is built in a volcano crater at Bedugul. It is about a one and a half hours scenic drive up to the course from the Kuta/Sanur areas. The course measures 7024 yards in length-par72 from the championship tees, and its greens will trick the best golfer. Bali Handara offers magnificent mountain scenery with beautiful gardens and is a must to see, even for non-golfers.
Bali Handara Kosaido Country Club has a variety of rooms for accommodation. There is a restaurant overlooking the golf course, bar, Karaoke, tennis courts, a fitness centre with massage service and Japanese bath. A fully stocked pro shop and golf carts are optional. Stay'n Play Packages are available from Bali Discount Golf.
The Grand Bali Beach
The Grand Bali Beach is now under new ownership and has changed it's name to The Bali Beach Golf Course. The layout is still a 9-hole course (par 36), however all greens and bunkers have been replaced. The Bali Beach Golf Course is in the grounds of The Grand Bali Beach Hotel in Sanur and is still a flat course, with tight tree lined fairways. The new enlarged greens are well protected, making accuracy essential. The course is an improvement on the old course, but not in the same class as Bali's 18 hole courses. It is still a test of golf. Caddies are available, however, there are no golf carts and trolleys are compulsory.
Nirwana Bali Golf Club Lying on Bali's southwest coastline at Tanah Lot, Nirwana Bali Golf Club was designed by Greg Norman and opened in July 1997. A 6805 yard - par 72 championship standard golf course, it is destined to become one of the worlds best. Asian Golf Monthly and Golf Digest have voted the course as the No 1 course in Indonesia. Nirwana is part of the Le Meridien Resort and the resort was voted by Asian Golf Monthly as Asia's Premier Golf Resort. The breathtaking beauty of this course is highlighted by rice fields forming some of the rough, strategically placed bunkers and spectacular ocean views, on the three cliff-top holes that overlook the Indian Ocean. With four sets of tees Greg Norman has ensured that the course will test all golfers.
Nirwana Bali boasts a luxurious Balinese style clubhouse with a restaurant, a halfway house, a fully stocked pro shop and exquisitely furnished locker rooms. Golf carts with a caddy are compulsory and a drink service is provided. A recent addition to the Club is a driving range and lessons are available from the resident PGA professional. Being part of the Le Meridien Nirwana Golf and Spa Resort, Spa and massage facilities are available at the hotel. Nirwana Bali Golf Club also operate The Nirwana Apartments and Villas. They are one or two bedroom self contained apartments with the complex having it's own swimming pool. Stay'n Play packages are available from Bali Discount Golf.
Bali Golf & Country Club
Located in the deluxe resort area of Nusa Dua. A Robin Nelson and Rodney Wright designed course hosted the 1994 Asian Dunhill Masters and in 1997 it was voted by Fortune Magazine -USA as one of Asia's top 5 golf courses. Three distinct areas have been used to create Bali Golf & CC. You play up through hillside terrain with lush tropical vegetation where you have spectacular views of Indian Ocean and the Nusa Dua area. You also play through massive coconut trees, lakes and finish off with sand dune holes along Nusa Dua beach. The course measures 6871 yards from the championship tees -par 72,with multiple tees to ensure playability. Expert grooming and superb maintenance ensures championship-playing conditions.
OTHER FACILITIES Bali Golf & CC has and elegant clubhouse and restaurant with spectacular views of the course and the Indian Ocean. There is an excellent driving range with a resident PGA Professional to give lessons. Bali Golf and Country Club has two bars, two halfway houses, with food and drinks service. There is also a Spa with a full range of massage treatments, a swimming pool and a fully stocked pro shop. Golf carts are compulsory and one caddy is provided with each cart. Wantilan Golf Villas are also part of the course. "Wantilan" are three or four bedroom Luxury Villas with your own staff and swimming pool. Either one bedroom or the full villa can be rented. Stay'n Play packages are available from Bali Discount Golf.
Bali After Dark, The Nightlife
Kuta, Legian & Seminyak
A Bar
Jalan Dhyana Pura Gado-gado Seminyak. Named after Absolute Vodka, mature crowd, real drinks, cozy atmosphere. 8pm till late.
A Club
Situated on Jl Basangkasa-Seminyak, This trendy club is open Tuesday-Saturday 10pm till late with DJ house music and special Friday night parties.
Jl oberoi. Bali's first "fully unconditioned" cocktail bar. Good music friendly atmosphere. Opens early till late.
Apache Reggae Bar
Reggae cover bands 7 nights a week, 11pm - 2am, Jl Legian.
Bali Globe Cafe
A selection of International DJ's open each night from 10:00pm till dawn. Jl. Dyana Pura, Seminyak.
Bali Peanuts Club
One of the most popular venues in the Kuta area, the scene is young and sprinkled with locals, who all take to the huge dance floor in the cave-like air-conditioned interior. Pool tables and plenty of entertainment, compliment the very reasonably priced drinks, live music every night Sunday-Friday. DJ music Saturday night from 9pm on Jalan Raya Legian.
Bali Rock Cafe
Live music by popular cover bands 7 nights a week. 9.30-12pm.
Open from 7pm until very late. Hear the latest Latin tunes from the resident DJs.
Benny's Bistro
Benny's has become the venue for Salsa dancing to live latin acoustic music Of the 7-piece Buena Terra Band. Jl Dyana Pura, Seminyak. Enjoy the food the ambience and that infectious salsa rhythm.
Bush Telegraph
Live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, 9.30 -12pm. Situated in the heart of Seminyak's hot spot on Jl Dhyana Pura.
Cafe Del Mar
Jalan Dhyana Pura Gado-gado Seminyak. Cool cocktail bar, great drinks, relaxed atmosphere, funky music, open air, super smooth crowd. Open from 9 until late.
Café Exiles
in Pengosekan has a live band and is worth the visit. Local laws determine that live music at all bars in Ubud stop by 10:30pm.
Cafe Luna
Stylishly decorated with an Italian menu, indoor/outdoor seating and two bars make this a popular choice. Open until 2.30am, Jl. Raya Seminyak.
De Ja Vu
Same owner as Spy Bar. Newly opened with a fantastic interior design playing great tunes. Nice place to hang in the afternoon or the early cocktail hour.
Double Six
Open every night until 6am. The music is pure dance and there is always a good crowd. Opens at midnight it usually starts to fill up at around 1am. Three bars and late night pizzas. Open till sunrise. Entry cost Sunday - Friday Rp40.000, Saturday's Rp50.000. Featuring the only night bungee jumping in the world with AJ Hackett from 2.00am.
Espresso Pizzaria
Cover bands 7 nights a week from 10pm-2am on Jl Legian.
Euro Club
Situated on Jl 66, Seminyak. The latest DJ Music from 8pm till late.
Fidel's cigar bar and lounge at the popular Ku De Ta restaurant. Jl Lasmana, Seminyak
Award winning two storey club/restaurant in the heart of Kuta. One of the hottest house venues with resident and visiting DJ's.
Full Moon Parties
Usually held down Yang Yang Beach at Hotel Puri Bali and Padang Padang Beach sometimes held down in Nusa Dua. Check out our calendar for full moon dates.
Gado Gado
An excellence renovation of this ex-club now provides a stylish beachside setting. Well recommended. Jl Dhyana Pura.
Hard Rock Cafe
Located right on Kuta beach. The regular live bands draw big crowds. The bands are usually good. They start at 11pm and go until 2am.
Hard Rock Hotel - Center Stage
Bali's coolest unplugged bar with live bands nightly at center stage, from 7.30-11pm.
Hulu Cafe
Hulu Cafe is the only really gay bar in all of Bali. Okay, some of our non-gay friends stop in and join in the fun, but you won't have any hassles like in some other on-again, off-again venues in Bali. Live dance show Wednesday-Sunday 10pm till late.
Stylish bar on Jl Dhyana Pura, offering live music Friday & Saturday nights from 8.30pm
Kama Sutra
Club restaurant and lounge. Happy hours each day from 9-11pm. Jl. Pantai, Kuta.
Kori Restaurant
Gg Poppies II - Relaxed & Cozy atmosphere, imported wines, chilled cocktails and ice cold beers. Cigar salon complete with a pool table, great place to spend an evening.
Ku De Ta
The newest talk of town with a great location, great food, cigar lounge and loads of style. Definitely somewhere to check out.
On Jl Seminyak. Live music Wednesday- Saturday from 10.30pm.
Jl Dhyana Pura-The latest cool bar on this happening strip, with funky tunes and a killer cocktail list. The coolest illuminated bar.
Loco Bar
Situated on Jl 66, open 7 nights with special international DJ Wed-Sat, 10pm till late.
A comfortable lounge bar located on the corner of Jalan Kunti. Good place to chill out for a few aperitifs before proceeding on for the evening.
Italian restaurant and club located on Jalan Legian. Starts from 11pm.
Situated in the middle of town on Jl Legain with cover bands every Saturday night from 10pm-12pm.
My Way
Cover bands Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 9.30pm till 2am. On Jl Legian
Nightclub with spectacular cabaret shows. Located at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel in Tuban from 10:30pm onwards.
Fantastic sounds kick from the bose sound system and freaky projections across the wall and ceiling upstairs sets the mood.
Paddy's Reloaded
A solid, no-frills pub set-up combined with reasonably priced cocktails and drinks. Located in front of Bounty.
Planet Hollywood
DFS Bali Galleria complex - Great burgers and grills to go with a long drinks list and excellent cinematic memorabilia.
Poco Loco
Jalan Padma Utama tequila shots and jugs of margaritas and make your own fajitas.
Q Bar
Abimanyu Arcade Jl Dhyana Pura, Seminyak. Bali's premier gay watering hole with alternative style DJ music nightly.
Santa Fe
Open 24 hours serving everything, need we say more.
Space Lounge
Jl. Dhyana Pura Seminyak. Bali's newest bar and lounge.
Spy Bar
This club has an indoor and outdoor vibe with top local DJ's - Jl Dhyana Pura
Stadium Café
Live cover bands each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9pm. Jalan Kartika Plaza, Kuta.
Formerly Club Inc. A variety of funky music and drinks are served from 5pm until dawn.
Taj Mahal
Bar with a chill-out lounge and guest DJ's. Jl. Laksmana Seminyak.
The Oriental
The first and only exclusive cabaret theatre in Bali created by International Production Team. Enjoy the unique atmosphere and out standing performance. Be dazzled and entertained by the breathtaking and spectacular cabaret with our first class dancer, magnificent costumes, exiting music and the most beautiful and amazing female impersonators you have ever seen. Wednesday-Sunday 8.30pm. Jl. Srirama Legian Kuta-Bali Tel/Fax : 62-361-756-604
Located in Poppies Lane famous for it's TJS Frozen Margaritas and great Mexican food. Has been in operation for 15 years.
The Bounty Ship 1 & 2
Both on Jalan Legian Kuta. Home to the famous "Jam Jar". A popular restaurant/bar/club. Bounty Ship 1 has a great DJ from 10pm until late everynight. Bounty Ship 2 is open 24 hours with 2 for 1 drinks from 5-7pm.
The Jaya Pub
Jalan Raya Legian Kaja Seminyak. Jaya Pub is an entertaining venue with an interesting blend of tourists and locals. Around for quite a few years it is still as popular as ever. The live bands are often joined by visiting musicians both professional and amateur. Open until 2am.
Venue at the moon
An elegant restaurant with lounge and bar. Serving cocktails and drinks with visiting DJ's and special theme nights.
Warung Music
Situated on Jl Raya Kerobokan with live music 7 nights a week, 9.30 till late.
Woodstock - "The Lounge"
Open 7am till late. Situated on Jl Oberoi, Seminyak. Good place to chill out.
All Stars after Dark Back Stage Club
Live music catering to all types, cover bands 7 nights a week 9pm-2am.
Gracie Kelly's
Located at Bali Dynasty Resort on Jalan Kartika Plaza - With no cover charge, check out the 'Kintamani Shamrocks Band' A great pub in the heart of Tuban.
Live cabaret's daily and guest DJ's (Friday & Saturday) Karaoke, Laser Shows plus an all night café.
Nusa Dua
Every hotel in Nusa Dua has its own bars and generally a nightclub. How full and how much fun they are depends on the current guests, but if you're staying there it's worth a look.
Club Tabuh
Nusa Dua Beach Hotel features ladies nights, fashion parades, regular guest bands and theme nights.
Cool Bar
at Grand Mirage - karaoke and dancing.
Located on the third level at Conrad Bali Resort and Spa. Open from 8am-11pm
Lila Cita
Grand Hyatt Bali A live band every night with regular special events, when this venue gets going it can be a lot of fun - depends on the crowd. For sunset cocktails check out the Persona lounge and piano bar in the lobby, a great spot to meet for a drink before dinner of hitting the town.
Octopus Club
at Bali Hilton International.
Oolooloos Fun Pub
at Nikko Bali Hotel, featuring live entertainment and DJ as well as karaoke rooms.
Poco Loco
Great marguerites, imported beers and good music keep the crowds rolling in.
At the Sheraton Lagoon Hotel is currently featuring a line-up of live bands. A lively venue.
At the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Offering oceanviews and outstanding cocktails.
Lava Lounge
Enjoy a cocktail in this cool setting. Located on Jl Danau Toba. Your hosts are from Australia and will make you feel most welcome.
Located with Bali Hyatt, a sophisticated cocktail bar, serves up live jazz every night except Wednesday from 8pm-1am.
Head down to Pergola on a Thursday evening for their Salsa night from 8pm onwards. Enjoy a drink or two at the bar!
Jangger Disco
Formerly Subec if you're after a friend for the night this just might be the place to go.
Jazz Bar & Grill
Sanur Raya Complex serving great food and Monday night Jazz session is excellent. Jazz and cover bands 7 nights from 9.30pm
Kafe Wayang
Greatest jam session on the Island every Friday night. Good food and bunch of people hang out there. Located opposite the Radisson Bali hotel in the Sanur Raya shopping complex.
Koki Pub
Missing the pub dinners while on holiday this is the place to go. Pool table and cable TV. Located on Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Sanur. Open till late.
Trophy Bar
Good place to have pre-dinner drinks located next to Sanur Beach Hotel.
The Wine and Cigar Bar at Pala
Bringing air-conditioned elegance to Sanur. A large range of moderately priced wines from allover the world can be drunk in comfort here or taken home.
Nightlife in Ubud has its own flavor and is mostly centered around the town's excellent restaurants. However these places cater to the Ubud night owls.
A tiny little bar next to the Terazo Restaurant, where anything could happen. No crowds and a very intermate atmosphere on Jl Suweta, Ubud.
Ary's Warung
Old time favourite with a hint of Jazz located in the main drag, open till late.
Want to try a lychee martini? Thursday nights bring live music which draws a bubbly crowd of expats, locals and tourists.
Jl Pengosekan Kaja. Live music 9pm - 12pm.
Funky Monkey
Monkey Forest Road open daily from 11.00 - 1.00am. Great music from Latin funk with a hint of blues.
Jazz Cafe
A real hit in Ubud. The live music is always good with quality drinks. Live music is nightly except Sundays & Monday 7.30-10.30pm. Jl Sukma No.2 Tebesaya-Ubud.
Naughty Nuri's
Balinese Warung with a touch of New York. a restaurant with bar...they make a mean martini!
Putra Bar
Casual bar, with live reggae music. Good place to hang out if you cant be bothered dressing up. Open until 12pm. Jl Monkey Forest Ubud.
Sai Sai Bar
Monkey Forest Road, the Queen of Decadence has been let loose here. This is a happening place great food and entertainment.
For a bite to eat or just to sample a few cocktails at the bar. A very stylish eatery with cool music and great food situated on Jl Suweta-Ubud.
With a unique and brightly coloured design, delicious food and well stocked bar. Check it out for yourself.
A Bar
Jalan Dhyana Pura Gado-gado Seminyak. Named after Absolute Vodka, mature crowd, real drinks, cozy atmosphere. 8pm till late.
A Club
Situated on Jl Basangkasa-Seminyak, This trendy club is open Tuesday-Saturday 10pm till late with DJ house music and special Friday night parties.
Jl oberoi. Bali's first "fully unconditioned" cocktail bar. Good music friendly atmosphere. Opens early till late.
Apache Reggae Bar
Reggae cover bands 7 nights a week, 11pm - 2am, Jl Legian.
Bali Globe Cafe
A selection of International DJ's open each night from 10:00pm till dawn. Jl. Dyana Pura, Seminyak.
Bali Peanuts Club
One of the most popular venues in the Kuta area, the scene is young and sprinkled with locals, who all take to the huge dance floor in the cave-like air-conditioned interior. Pool tables and plenty of entertainment, compliment the very reasonably priced drinks, live music every night Sunday-Friday. DJ music Saturday night from 9pm on Jalan Raya Legian.
Bali Rock Cafe
Live music by popular cover bands 7 nights a week. 9.30-12pm.
Open from 7pm until very late. Hear the latest Latin tunes from the resident DJs.
Benny's Bistro
Benny's has become the venue for Salsa dancing to live latin acoustic music Of the 7-piece Buena Terra Band. Jl Dyana Pura, Seminyak. Enjoy the food the ambience and that infectious salsa rhythm.
Bush Telegraph
Live music every Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, 9.30 -12pm. Situated in the heart of Seminyak's hot spot on Jl Dhyana Pura.
Cafe Del Mar
Jalan Dhyana Pura Gado-gado Seminyak. Cool cocktail bar, great drinks, relaxed atmosphere, funky music, open air, super smooth crowd. Open from 9 until late.
Café Exiles
in Pengosekan has a live band and is worth the visit. Local laws determine that live music at all bars in Ubud stop by 10:30pm.
Cafe Luna
Stylishly decorated with an Italian menu, indoor/outdoor seating and two bars make this a popular choice. Open until 2.30am, Jl. Raya Seminyak.
De Ja Vu
Same owner as Spy Bar. Newly opened with a fantastic interior design playing great tunes. Nice place to hang in the afternoon or the early cocktail hour.
Double Six
Open every night until 6am. The music is pure dance and there is always a good crowd. Opens at midnight it usually starts to fill up at around 1am. Three bars and late night pizzas. Open till sunrise. Entry cost Sunday - Friday Rp40.000, Saturday's Rp50.000. Featuring the only night bungee jumping in the world with AJ Hackett from 2.00am.
Espresso Pizzaria
Cover bands 7 nights a week from 10pm-2am on Jl Legian.
Euro Club
Situated on Jl 66, Seminyak. The latest DJ Music from 8pm till late.
Fidel's cigar bar and lounge at the popular Ku De Ta restaurant. Jl Lasmana, Seminyak
Award winning two storey club/restaurant in the heart of Kuta. One of the hottest house venues with resident and visiting DJ's.
Full Moon Parties
Usually held down Yang Yang Beach at Hotel Puri Bali and Padang Padang Beach sometimes held down in Nusa Dua. Check out our calendar for full moon dates.
Gado Gado
An excellence renovation of this ex-club now provides a stylish beachside setting. Well recommended. Jl Dhyana Pura.
Hard Rock Cafe
Located right on Kuta beach. The regular live bands draw big crowds. The bands are usually good. They start at 11pm and go until 2am.
Hard Rock Hotel - Center Stage
Bali's coolest unplugged bar with live bands nightly at center stage, from 7.30-11pm.
Hulu Cafe
Hulu Cafe is the only really gay bar in all of Bali. Okay, some of our non-gay friends stop in and join in the fun, but you won't have any hassles like in some other on-again, off-again venues in Bali. Live dance show Wednesday-Sunday 10pm till late.
Stylish bar on Jl Dhyana Pura, offering live music Friday & Saturday nights from 8.30pm
Kama Sutra
Club restaurant and lounge. Happy hours each day from 9-11pm. Jl. Pantai, Kuta.
Kori Restaurant
Gg Poppies II - Relaxed & Cozy atmosphere, imported wines, chilled cocktails and ice cold beers. Cigar salon complete with a pool table, great place to spend an evening.
Ku De Ta
The newest talk of town with a great location, great food, cigar lounge and loads of style. Definitely somewhere to check out.
On Jl Seminyak. Live music Wednesday- Saturday from 10.30pm.
Jl Dhyana Pura-The latest cool bar on this happening strip, with funky tunes and a killer cocktail list. The coolest illuminated bar.
Loco Bar
Situated on Jl 66, open 7 nights with special international DJ Wed-Sat, 10pm till late.
A comfortable lounge bar located on the corner of Jalan Kunti. Good place to chill out for a few aperitifs before proceeding on for the evening.
Italian restaurant and club located on Jalan Legian. Starts from 11pm.
Situated in the middle of town on Jl Legain with cover bands every Saturday night from 10pm-12pm.
My Way
Cover bands Friday, Saturday & Sunday from 9.30pm till 2am. On Jl Legian
Nightclub with spectacular cabaret shows. Located at Discovery Kartika Plaza Hotel in Tuban from 10:30pm onwards.
Fantastic sounds kick from the bose sound system and freaky projections across the wall and ceiling upstairs sets the mood.
Paddy's Reloaded
A solid, no-frills pub set-up combined with reasonably priced cocktails and drinks. Located in front of Bounty.
Planet Hollywood
DFS Bali Galleria complex - Great burgers and grills to go with a long drinks list and excellent cinematic memorabilia.
Poco Loco
Jalan Padma Utama tequila shots and jugs of margaritas and make your own fajitas.
Q Bar
Abimanyu Arcade Jl Dhyana Pura, Seminyak. Bali's premier gay watering hole with alternative style DJ music nightly.
Santa Fe
Open 24 hours serving everything, need we say more.
Space Lounge
Jl. Dhyana Pura Seminyak. Bali's newest bar and lounge.
Spy Bar
This club has an indoor and outdoor vibe with top local DJ's - Jl Dhyana Pura
Stadium Café
Live cover bands each Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9pm. Jalan Kartika Plaza, Kuta.
Formerly Club Inc. A variety of funky music and drinks are served from 5pm until dawn.
Taj Mahal
Bar with a chill-out lounge and guest DJ's. Jl. Laksmana Seminyak.
The Oriental
The first and only exclusive cabaret theatre in Bali created by International Production Team. Enjoy the unique atmosphere and out standing performance. Be dazzled and entertained by the breathtaking and spectacular cabaret with our first class dancer, magnificent costumes, exiting music and the most beautiful and amazing female impersonators you have ever seen. Wednesday-Sunday 8.30pm. Jl. Srirama Legian Kuta-Bali Tel/Fax : 62-361-756-604
Located in Poppies Lane famous for it's TJS Frozen Margaritas and great Mexican food. Has been in operation for 15 years.
The Bounty Ship 1 & 2
Both on Jalan Legian Kuta. Home to the famous "Jam Jar". A popular restaurant/bar/club. Bounty Ship 1 has a great DJ from 10pm until late everynight. Bounty Ship 2 is open 24 hours with 2 for 1 drinks from 5-7pm.
The Jaya Pub
Jalan Raya Legian Kaja Seminyak. Jaya Pub is an entertaining venue with an interesting blend of tourists and locals. Around for quite a few years it is still as popular as ever. The live bands are often joined by visiting musicians both professional and amateur. Open until 2am.
Venue at the moon
An elegant restaurant with lounge and bar. Serving cocktails and drinks with visiting DJ's and special theme nights.
Warung Music
Situated on Jl Raya Kerobokan with live music 7 nights a week, 9.30 till late.
Woodstock - "The Lounge"
Open 7am till late. Situated on Jl Oberoi, Seminyak. Good place to chill out.
All Stars after Dark Back Stage Club
Live music catering to all types, cover bands 7 nights a week 9pm-2am.
Gracie Kelly's
Located at Bali Dynasty Resort on Jalan Kartika Plaza - With no cover charge, check out the 'Kintamani Shamrocks Band' A great pub in the heart of Tuban.
Live cabaret's daily and guest DJ's (Friday & Saturday) Karaoke, Laser Shows plus an all night café.
Nusa Dua
Every hotel in Nusa Dua has its own bars and generally a nightclub. How full and how much fun they are depends on the current guests, but if you're staying there it's worth a look.
Club Tabuh
Nusa Dua Beach Hotel features ladies nights, fashion parades, regular guest bands and theme nights.
Cool Bar
at Grand Mirage - karaoke and dancing.
Located on the third level at Conrad Bali Resort and Spa. Open from 8am-11pm
Lila Cita
Grand Hyatt Bali A live band every night with regular special events, when this venue gets going it can be a lot of fun - depends on the crowd. For sunset cocktails check out the Persona lounge and piano bar in the lobby, a great spot to meet for a drink before dinner of hitting the town.
Octopus Club
at Bali Hilton International.
Oolooloos Fun Pub
at Nikko Bali Hotel, featuring live entertainment and DJ as well as karaoke rooms.
Poco Loco
Great marguerites, imported beers and good music keep the crowds rolling in.
At the Sheraton Lagoon Hotel is currently featuring a line-up of live bands. A lively venue.
At the Grand Hyatt Hotel. Offering oceanviews and outstanding cocktails.
Lava Lounge
Enjoy a cocktail in this cool setting. Located on Jl Danau Toba. Your hosts are from Australia and will make you feel most welcome.
Located with Bali Hyatt, a sophisticated cocktail bar, serves up live jazz every night except Wednesday from 8pm-1am.
Head down to Pergola on a Thursday evening for their Salsa night from 8pm onwards. Enjoy a drink or two at the bar!
Jangger Disco
Formerly Subec if you're after a friend for the night this just might be the place to go.
Jazz Bar & Grill
Sanur Raya Complex serving great food and Monday night Jazz session is excellent. Jazz and cover bands 7 nights from 9.30pm
Kafe Wayang
Greatest jam session on the Island every Friday night. Good food and bunch of people hang out there. Located opposite the Radisson Bali hotel in the Sanur Raya shopping complex.
Koki Pub
Missing the pub dinners while on holiday this is the place to go. Pool table and cable TV. Located on Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai Sanur. Open till late.
Trophy Bar
Good place to have pre-dinner drinks located next to Sanur Beach Hotel.
The Wine and Cigar Bar at Pala
Bringing air-conditioned elegance to Sanur. A large range of moderately priced wines from allover the world can be drunk in comfort here or taken home.
Nightlife in Ubud has its own flavor and is mostly centered around the town's excellent restaurants. However these places cater to the Ubud night owls.
A tiny little bar next to the Terazo Restaurant, where anything could happen. No crowds and a very intermate atmosphere on Jl Suweta, Ubud.
Ary's Warung
Old time favourite with a hint of Jazz located in the main drag, open till late.
Want to try a lychee martini? Thursday nights bring live music which draws a bubbly crowd of expats, locals and tourists.
Jl Pengosekan Kaja. Live music 9pm - 12pm.
Funky Monkey
Monkey Forest Road open daily from 11.00 - 1.00am. Great music from Latin funk with a hint of blues.
Jazz Cafe
A real hit in Ubud. The live music is always good with quality drinks. Live music is nightly except Sundays & Monday 7.30-10.30pm. Jl Sukma No.2 Tebesaya-Ubud.
Naughty Nuri's
Balinese Warung with a touch of New York. a restaurant with bar...they make a mean martini!
Putra Bar
Casual bar, with live reggae music. Good place to hang out if you cant be bothered dressing up. Open until 12pm. Jl Monkey Forest Ubud.
Sai Sai Bar
Monkey Forest Road, the Queen of Decadence has been let loose here. This is a happening place great food and entertainment.
For a bite to eat or just to sample a few cocktails at the bar. A very stylish eatery with cool music and great food situated on Jl Suweta-Ubud.
With a unique and brightly coloured design, delicious food and well stocked bar. Check it out for yourself.
Balinese Language
Balinese language is another language entirely, with a completely different vocabulary and grammar and much more complex rules for its use. Balinese is greatly complicated by its caste influences. There's high Balinese, low Balinese and even middle Balinese, plus a number of variations of the three. Middle Balinese has an even more restricted vocabulary. It's mainly used when one wishes to be very polite but doesn't want to emphasize caste differences. Initially a conversation between two strangers would commence in the high language. At some point the question of caste would be asked and then the level adjusted accordingly.
Whenever there are trends of emphases of a greater democratization in public society, any vestiges of apparent feodalism give way to modern movements for democracy equality and non-discrimination; this also in areas where status or social-level in society has hitherto been much determined by the rather sensitive issue of the system of castes. Traditional norms as a kind of "language-obeisance" with relation to inter-class relationships, are on the decline.
Traditionally, however language rules in Bali had to be observed irrespective of age, position or sex. Traditional "rules of Caste" that had so long been considered an unflinching exigency are becoming less pronounced and less rigorous. Albeit, in the face of modern trends the determination of language-usage of certain categories of words, is still much espoused and very much in vogue in Bali. However, significant adjustments have been proposed at more recent Language-Seminars on the Island, and this, no doubt, will have its effects and repercussions in Balinese Society today.
Many seem enthusiastic in the promotion of a standard or common language for all (Basa Madia or Basa Mider); with an option in the selection of words from "a vocabulary of courtesy" which in times past had been limited perhaps to less than a thousand specific words.
Whenever there are trends of emphases of a greater democratization in public society, any vestiges of apparent feodalism give way to modern movements for democracy equality and non-discrimination; this also in areas where status or social-level in society has hitherto been much determined by the rather sensitive issue of the system of castes. Traditional norms as a kind of "language-obeisance" with relation to inter-class relationships, are on the decline.
Traditionally, however language rules in Bali had to be observed irrespective of age, position or sex. Traditional "rules of Caste" that had so long been considered an unflinching exigency are becoming less pronounced and less rigorous. Albeit, in the face of modern trends the determination of language-usage of certain categories of words, is still much espoused and very much in vogue in Bali. However, significant adjustments have been proposed at more recent Language-Seminars on the Island, and this, no doubt, will have its effects and repercussions in Balinese Society today.
Many seem enthusiastic in the promotion of a standard or common language for all (Basa Madia or Basa Mider); with an option in the selection of words from "a vocabulary of courtesy" which in times past had been limited perhaps to less than a thousand specific words.
Our Free Ceremony for Your Wedding, Anniversary or
Renewal of Vows and Our Extras for Honeymoons & Wedding
Anniversaries will make your visit even more memorable.

From the moment you arrive in Bali, you'll know this is the honeymoon paradise you've been looking for after your wedding. You'll enjoy the friendly welcome of your private driver, the Balinese house staff, and the comfort and informality of staying in your own villa in Bali. You can relax and totally unwind in spacious, comfortably furnished living and dining areas. And you'll enjoy the tropical garden and the privacy around your swimming pool.
Enjoy Being Totally Spoilt During Your Honeymoon!
You'll be looked after by friendly Balinese maids, house boys and an excellent private cook to prepare delicious Balinese and international dishes or any special diet, and you pay just market prices for the ingredients required for your meals and wholesale prices for any imported wine or spirits.
If you feel like having a massage, a body scrub, a Balinese flower bath, or a manicure – just tell your staff, and all spa & beauty treatments will be arranged in your villa free or at nominal cost. A private Balinese dance performance at your villa, tennis lessons, cooking classes, attending "Bali Wine Club" lunches and/or "Chaine des Rotisseurs" events, and arranging any kind of excursions in Bali — a phone call is enough to organize it.
Annual Reader Surveys by major travel magazines continually confirm the island of Bali in Indonesia as the most enchanting travel destination in the world. And what could be more perfect for a wedding or honeymoon?
The year-round pleasant climate, the very friendly people, and the absence of any security problems guarantee a completely relaxing stay. Because of the physical beauty of the island and its wide variety of attractions, Bali has become for many honeymooners and experienced travelers the "Ultimate Island". For continuously up-dated information on Bali please visit BALI TODAY — an Insider's Guide.
Weddings, Wedding Anniversaries, Renewal of Vows
If you did not get legally married before your visit and plan to take the big step in Bali, please visit our page How to Get Married in Bali. Celebrating your wedding in Bali in the presence of a few close friends is certainly much more economical than inviting 80 or 100 guests at home. will assist with villa decorations, catering & party service and transportation. If you book a private villa for 7 days or more, will arrange a FREE Wedding Ceremony. You can also take advantage of this offer to Renew your Vows if your wedding anniversary is during your stay at your villa in Bali. For details please visit FREE Extras for Special Occasions.
For additional arrangements such as more elaborate religious ceremonies, legal formalities, rental of bridal dresses, hair styling and make-up, flowers, Balinese dancers & musicians, photo & video shooting etc. please visit
Renewal of Vows and Our Extras for Honeymoons & Wedding
Anniversaries will make your visit even more memorable.

From the moment you arrive in Bali, you'll know this is the honeymoon paradise you've been looking for after your wedding. You'll enjoy the friendly welcome of your private driver, the Balinese house staff, and the comfort and informality of staying in your own villa in Bali. You can relax and totally unwind in spacious, comfortably furnished living and dining areas. And you'll enjoy the tropical garden and the privacy around your swimming pool.
Enjoy Being Totally Spoilt During Your Honeymoon!
You'll be looked after by friendly Balinese maids, house boys and an excellent private cook to prepare delicious Balinese and international dishes or any special diet, and you pay just market prices for the ingredients required for your meals and wholesale prices for any imported wine or spirits.
If you feel like having a massage, a body scrub, a Balinese flower bath, or a manicure – just tell your staff, and all spa & beauty treatments will be arranged in your villa free or at nominal cost. A private Balinese dance performance at your villa, tennis lessons, cooking classes, attending "Bali Wine Club" lunches and/or "Chaine des Rotisseurs" events, and arranging any kind of excursions in Bali — a phone call is enough to organize it.
Annual Reader Surveys by major travel magazines continually confirm the island of Bali in Indonesia as the most enchanting travel destination in the world. And what could be more perfect for a wedding or honeymoon?
The year-round pleasant climate, the very friendly people, and the absence of any security problems guarantee a completely relaxing stay. Because of the physical beauty of the island and its wide variety of attractions, Bali has become for many honeymooners and experienced travelers the "Ultimate Island". For continuously up-dated information on Bali please visit BALI TODAY — an Insider's Guide.
Weddings, Wedding Anniversaries, Renewal of Vows
If you did not get legally married before your visit and plan to take the big step in Bali, please visit our page How to Get Married in Bali. Celebrating your wedding in Bali in the presence of a few close friends is certainly much more economical than inviting 80 or 100 guests at home. will assist with villa decorations, catering & party service and transportation. If you book a private villa for 7 days or more, will arrange a FREE Wedding Ceremony. You can also take advantage of this offer to Renew your Vows if your wedding anniversary is during your stay at your villa in Bali. For details please visit FREE Extras for Special Occasions.
For additional arrangements such as more elaborate religious ceremonies, legal formalities, rental of bridal dresses, hair styling and make-up, flowers, Balinese dancers & musicians, photo & video shooting etc. please visit
For less than the cost of staying at a good hotel in Bali (US$180 to more than US$800 per room per day) you can now enjoy the luxury of a beautiful private villa with air-conditioned bedrooms and tropical garden bathrooms, spacious living and dining areas with large terraces, a lush tropical garden with your own private swimming pool and full-time staff such as a personal butler, well-trained cook, maids, spa therapists, gardeners, etc. to pamper you around the clock.
* In addition to modern amenities, every villa you rent from will reflect Balinese lifestyle throughout: floors and walls are made from local wood, bamboo, and natural stone, high roofs cover airy living and dining areas, and large garden bathrooms are full of flowers and plants. And you'll appreciate the comfort and informality you can only experience in a private home.
* Your villa staff will normally number three to five, although there can be 20 or more full-time employees in the larger villas. The cooks, maids, house boys, spa therapists, laundresses, gardeners, night guards and drivers have often been working for for a long time. They are, therefore, familiar with foreign visitors' requirements and preferences and will look after all your needs. In some of our top villas we offer nowadays also Personal Butler service.
* Instead of staying in hotel rooms (bed, two chairs, dressing table, TV set and telephone, wardrobe, small bathroom), your family will enjoy this truly Balinese experience. And you have much more space, more informality, more privacy, and more personal service than even the best hotel can provide.
* You can have delicious local meals or any special diet prepared by your own cook. Or you can ask your driver to bring in delicacies from nearby restaurants – and have them served whenever and wherever you like – in your dining room, living area, at the poolside, in your bedroom, or even in the the bathroom.
Order your favorite snacks and drinks to be bought for you at the local supermarket or wine wholesaler. You'll be surprised at the low cost when you pay the same prices as locals do!
* When you rent a villa you can expect to save between US$50 and US$80 per person per day compared to staying at a hotel where all "extras" (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks, laundry, telephone, fax, plus Bali's 21% tax & service charge on everything) can easily double or triple your bill. Therefore, taking all the extra expense of staying at a hotel into account, the "luxury" of renting a private villa through will not only turn out to be more comfortable and relaxing but also much cheaper!
Most important of all, you will really experience Bali while staying at a private villa. You're not insulated from the island and its people by a hotel environment. You're participating – and living in a Balinese atmosphere, surrounded by a relaxed, elegant and informal setting, with well trained and very friendly staff caring for your every need.
There's nothing better than this! It will be a vacation you won't forget. To read the comments from recent guests please click here.
* In addition to modern amenities, every villa you rent from will reflect Balinese lifestyle throughout: floors and walls are made from local wood, bamboo, and natural stone, high roofs cover airy living and dining areas, and large garden bathrooms are full of flowers and plants. And you'll appreciate the comfort and informality you can only experience in a private home.
* Your villa staff will normally number three to five, although there can be 20 or more full-time employees in the larger villas. The cooks, maids, house boys, spa therapists, laundresses, gardeners, night guards and drivers have often been working for for a long time. They are, therefore, familiar with foreign visitors' requirements and preferences and will look after all your needs. In some of our top villas we offer nowadays also Personal Butler service.
* Instead of staying in hotel rooms (bed, two chairs, dressing table, TV set and telephone, wardrobe, small bathroom), your family will enjoy this truly Balinese experience. And you have much more space, more informality, more privacy, and more personal service than even the best hotel can provide.
* You can have delicious local meals or any special diet prepared by your own cook. Or you can ask your driver to bring in delicacies from nearby restaurants – and have them served whenever and wherever you like – in your dining room, living area, at the poolside, in your bedroom, or even in the the bathroom.
Order your favorite snacks and drinks to be bought for you at the local supermarket or wine wholesaler. You'll be surprised at the low cost when you pay the same prices as locals do!
* When you rent a villa you can expect to save between US$50 and US$80 per person per day compared to staying at a hotel where all "extras" (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and drinks, laundry, telephone, fax, plus Bali's 21% tax & service charge on everything) can easily double or triple your bill. Therefore, taking all the extra expense of staying at a hotel into account, the "luxury" of renting a private villa through will not only turn out to be more comfortable and relaxing but also much cheaper!
Most important of all, you will really experience Bali while staying at a private villa. You're not insulated from the island and its people by a hotel environment. You're participating – and living in a Balinese atmosphere, surrounded by a relaxed, elegant and informal setting, with well trained and very friendly staff caring for your every need.
There's nothing better than this! It will be a vacation you won't forget. To read the comments from recent guests please click here.
Nusa Dua Beach Area Guide

Everything you need to know about Nusa Dua Beach
Nusa Dua (meaning Two Islands) is the name of the peninsula that extends off the southern tip of the island of Bali, hosting a pristine complex of luxury hotels. A heavy concentration of big name international hotels lines the beautiful white sand shore that offers excellent swimming conditions in a protected lagoon. Located ten kilometres from the international airport, Nusa Dua is designed as an enclave of the most sumptuous and luxurious hotels in the world dedicated to big-spender tourists.
It is an idyllic place for honeymooner and those who are bringing the entire family, the white sand and shallow water are ideal for children to play in the sea while lifeguards keep a watchful eye.The roads in the area are well maintained and 24/7 security staff guard two entrance gates with full security procedures for every incoming and outgoing guest. It is no wonder then that year round Nusa Dua is an official venue for international conferences, congresses, meetings and other executive corporate events and annual festivals, attended by important worldwide participants.
Where to Stay in Nusa Dua Beach
Spectacular luxury resorts are the norm in Nusa Dua, with many incorporating contemporary Balinese style buildings and beautifully landscaped gardens, ponds and pool areas. Deluxe ocean view suites and stunning architecture like the Javanese Imperial Palace style at the Aston Bali are quite breathtaking.
Nusa Dua Beach Attractions
Apart from the high-class facilities presented by the resorts, Nusa Dua doesn’t have many things to offer as an attraction. However, there one place where you can escape from the resort’s fancy highlife without the hassle of going out of the complex. It’s Museum Pasifika – a wonderful place that houses some pieces of art collected from Asia and the Pacific island where you are welcome to visit every single day in a week from 10.00 to 18.00.
Nusa Dua Beach Activities
The Nusa Dua Resorts and Hotels area offers a wide range complementary fun activities and facilities designed for all family members. Unfortunately, only few facilities are opened for public. Try golf at Bali Golf and Country Club presents 18 holes whereas a spectacular view of Indian Ocean serves as a background or driving a 700cc motorized ski while exploring the beautiful blue sea lapping against the sand stretching three kilometres from Nusa Dua to the coastal side of Tanjung Benoa.
Experience an unforgettable ride from atop a camel’s back at Geger Sawangan Beach could be a fun thing to do with entire family or just play tennis at the court where the International athletes swing their racquet every once in a year at Tennis International Commonwealth Tournament at Grand Hyatt Hotel.
Nusa Dua Beach Restaurants
Nusa Dua is the home of most of the prestigious restaurants with luxurious price tags to fit. Therefore, if you are hoping to find first-class service, breathtaking ocean views, amazing interior settings, an exquisite taste of international cuisine prepared by renowned executive chefs and nightly live music performances, you’ll never go wrong by entering the Nusa Dua Resorts Complex. Your finest culinary journey could start from L’ermitazh & Gypsy Jazz Club and Pica Tapas, both located in Bali Collection complex. L’ermitazh serves a cuisine rich in Russian flavours at mid-range prices while Pica Tapas offers great selection of Brazilian dishes together with salsa dance performance every night.
Next destination could be Kayuputi offers modern Asian cuisine and Seafood fare, Boneka and Gourmand Deli are also worth visiting for incredible breakfast and brunch, all of them are well situated in St. Regis Resort. Meanwhile Raja’s an award winning royal Balinese food at Nusa Dua Beach Hotel can be your perfect final end!
Nusa Dua Beach Nightlife
There is not much in the way of nightlife in Nusa Dua especially if you are expecting to see a crowd and a wild night out as if you were in Kuta or Legian. All you can find is some prestigious bar and lounge situated in the luxurious resorts and hotels where a dress code is sometimes applied like King Cole Bar at St.
Regis Bali Resort, O Loo Loos Fun Pub and Salsa Bar at Nikko Bali Hotel, Pesona Lounge at Grand Hyatt or Cascade and Sand Bar at The Laguna Resort. All features nightly live performance with amazing different ambience, great choice of champagnes, fine imported wines, martinis, exotic cocktails and other concoctions. But it mostly closed after 2.00 in the morning.
Nusa Dua Beach Shopping
Nusa Dua offers you the most comprehensive international shopping complex - The Bali Collection. It’s an outdoor mall that attempts to be the most up-market all-in-one shopper’s haven right in the midst of the luxurious resort compound where you don’t have to bother with risky bargaining.
Bali Collection presents a hotchpotch of the world’s trendy brand names displayed in SOGO as well famous local brands, art and craft shops and jewellery stores. Alternatively, facing the main entrance gate on Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai and the back entrance gate on Jalan Pantai Mengiat, you can venture out to some art shops managed by local people where your best haggling skills are necessary.
Nusa Dua Map
Our interactive map (and satellite views) displays all available hotels with photos, facilities and guest comments as well as attractions, landmarks and other items of interest with links to relevant information pages. The perfect way to find your way around and see where everything actually is. (Read More)
Shopping in Legian

Where to Shop in Legian Beach - Bali
Don’t want to go home with empty baggage? No need to be worried, Legian is full with local boutiques and art shops need a bigger luggage? Start your journey from Melasti Street crossroad to Double Six Street, if your baggage hasn’t full yet, try a little adventure by taking small alleys, you might find good painting with leaner price.
Legian Main Street is only 3 km long and best to explore by bike or motorcycle for only Rp. 25,000 per day rent but there always a reason for one who wants to get cardio exercise. Since most of art shop doesn’t offer fixed price, bargain is a must.
By the Sea
Dominated by tropical tone selection, Brazilian owned resort wear has been in Bali since 2001 with collection from children to adult. By the Sea uses soft natural cotton and other light materials which guaranteed its comfort. Just a perfect option to one who wants to look casual on traditional cut yet still remains classy.
Location: on Jalan Legian
Named after cliff-edge temple in southern Bali, Uluwatu is an original Indonesian style of fashion with meticulous embroidery as its trademark. Originally for ceremonial purpose only within Indonesian women, lace became important as it was considered rare and almost gone. Their product line includes women’s clothing, nightwear, bed linen, table linen and more. Isn’t just the right way to enjoy the Island of Paradise with its original style?
Location: on Jalan Legian
Expanding to retails and ready to wear, Bali based brand Hippichic opens its boutique on Legian Street. Their design inspired by sixties and seventies fashion, and made exclusively for women with the sense of flower generation. If you’re a joyful, fun and optimistic, Hippichic gives you a fashion with personality.
Location: on Jalan Legian
The Curl
One of the biggest surf shops in the area, Rip Curl-managed surf dock offers you a great variety of top rank surf gear from wrist watch to board wax. Don’t forget to check 2nd storey for discounted items. If you’re a diehard surfer or a serious wannabe, make sure you stop by before you dip in to the sea.
Location: on Jalan Legian
Birkenstock Shoes
The German-made shoes and sandals now in Bali, with more than 230 years experience Birkenstock remains to keep its quality as one well-built leather-based shoemaker yet comfortable. Birkenstock also embrace Heidi Klum as its brand representatives and designer for her “Specials by Heidi Klum.” You might want to get one of those “Specials.”
Location: on Jalan Legian
Suarti Silver
One of Balinese famous artist, Suarti has performed for presidents to statesmen as a dancer, musician, and painter. Her Suarti Silver Company designs and manufactures sterling silver jewelry for casual to ceremonial purpose. The designs itself is a combination between modern and traditional design and yet still maintaining its originality to Balinese tradition and culture.
Location: on Jalan Legian
Mertanadi Art Market (Melasti Street)
This is one of many traditional art markets in Bali where you can find almost everything from fake glasses to famous Bintang shirt. If you want to experience the real deal this is one thing you must try but always remember to be calm when you get hassled by stall owners, take a careful look at things you want to buy and bargain is a must.
Location: on Jalan Legian
Asia Line Handycraft
One of many qualified art shop in Legian Street, with such range products from chandeliers to rattan bags, from batik mask to wooden puppets, Asia Line expanded from small retail shop to wholesale export-oriented company with regular clients from Australia, France, Japan, Netherland, UK, and USA. Asia Line workshops are located in Bantul Yogyakarta, Bogor West Java and Tegal Alang Ubud.
Location: on Jalan Legian
Shopping in Kuta Beach

Where to Shop in Kuta Beach - Bali
Kuta is a shopping Mecca for visitors, shopaholics and locals who wish to sport the fashionable look of well-known locally made Bali designs and established international brands. Don’t miss out on a spot of bikini, swimwear and surf wear shopping while in Bali. There are numerous shops in Kuta, lined up on Kuta Beach, Kuta Sidewalk, Legian Street; even small alleys called Poppies that are famous for small hotels, guesthouses and villas. Shops selling clothing, leather goods, pirated DVDs and handicrafts line the streets.
Prices differ from store to store but with the variety of choices, you will be sure to find something that matches your budget. To find some souvenirs to bring home to your family and friends, there plenty of art shops selling Balinese crafts in Kuta. Although they offer similar items, prices can vary, depending on the quality of the merchandise and how good you are at bargaining. During the high season from July to September and at Christmas, some stores hold clearance sales where you can save up to 70%.
Kuta Art Market
Kuta Art Market is a traditional market where you can get souvenirs and goods crafted by local people. The prices vary, depending on your haggling skills. The most important thing to remember is to be polite and friendly (certainly not confrontational) and to treat it all as a kind of game. Haggling is expected and indeed encouraged as part of the fun of shopping, and as such theatrical expressions and claims of bankruptcy will soon have you laughing together with the shop owner. It is often helpful to decide upon the most you want to pay for an item before you start bargaining.
Then you should try offering one third of the price first offered, and wait for them to come down in price before slowly raising your own offer in small increments. Don’t be afraid to take your time: your patience will be rewarded with much lower prices. If the price offered is still much higher than your maximum budget, walk away slowly from the shop. Often the vendor will call you back and offer you a lower price. Make sure you check the quality of your item before you pay and move along to the next store. Once you have won the negotiation battle, you can bet you will be addicted and will have fun shopping at this kind of market.
Location: next to Kuta Square
Kuta Square
Just nearby the Kuta Art Market, Kuta Square is a shopping centre approximately 50 metres from Kuta Beach. Designed in boulevard style, Kuta Square is packed with a lot of international and local brands from surf wear outlets, dining areas, a hypermarket and fashion stores; such as Billabong, Quiksilver, Hurley, Giardano, Reebok, Nike, Levi’s, and two famous local brands – Milo’s and Animale.
Location: Jalan Bakung Sari
Discovery Shopping Mall
Discovery Shopping Mall, the only mall with a beachfront view, is located in Kuta’s prime area. This mall has facilities such as banks, restaurants, cafés, bookstores, opticians, pharmacies, amusement arcades, home accessories, jewelry and international brand outlets such as Sogo, Guess, Esprit, Giardano and many more. Live bands perform every Saturday and Sunday nights to liven up your weekend shopping.
Location: Jalan Bakung Sari
DFS (Duty Free Shopping)
DFS Galleria brings an exciting and luxurious retail environment to a downtown location for fashion, beauty, fine jewelry and alcoholic drinks. It features an impressive portfolio of the world’s most sought-after brands, including established labels such as Cartier, Chanel, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Tiffany and emerging brands like Bottega Veneta, Pucci and Valentino. If you need assistance, the multilingual staff will be delighted to help you. Located in Mall Bali Galleria, you can also find a hypermarket and mid-range department store for fashion and accessories next door.
Location: on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai Kuta
69 Slam
69 Slam offers lingerie and underwear for men and women, designed in funky and colourful styles. The products are created for a dynamic young stylish upscale market. For ladies, the prices range from IDR 99,000 to 199,000 and IDR 155,000 to IDR 225,000 for men. There are four other branches spread throughout Kuta and Seminyak.
Location: opposite the Memorial Statue
Surfer Girl
Surfer Girl sells T-shirts, tank tops, dresses, skirts, trousers, surfing rash vests, flip flops, swimwear, bikinis and accessories to match your style during your visit to Bali. Surfer Girl own brand products come in happy colours and often feature a funky cartoon design of the Surfer Girl characters (Summer, Niki, Grinder and friends). Adjoining the Surfer Girl store, Quiksilver offers beach-themed fashion wear for him.
Location: on Jalan Legian Kuta
Camper Shoes
Having opened its first store in 1981 in Barcelona, Camper expanded their reach to Bali last year. Now, Camper’s fans can shop for their latest edition of flats, wedges, pumps, boots, mules, athletic shoes or sandals here in Kuta, all made from high quality leather, rubber and suede in a wide selection of sizes.
Location: Southside Hard Rock store
Body & Soul
Body & Soul provides the most competitive prices compared to other local fashion brands in Bali. In addition to their clothing collection for women, they offer an extensive range of accessories from jewelry to belts, scarves and handbags – not to mention their hot range of Body & Soul swimwear. For kids, they have Body & Soul Bambini – funky gear for your young boys and girls, aged between three and eight years old. Apart from their outlet, check out Body & Soul Factory Outlet in Kuta and Seminyak, where you can get items from their collection at half price.
Location: at Discovery Shopping Mall, Kuta Square, on Jalan Legian Kuta
Rip Curl
Rip Curl has been a market leader in wetsuits for over 30 years. They produce surfwear, swimwear, bikinis, flip flops, surfboards (especially handcrafted custom boards) and mountain wear. All the designs are stylish and comfortable to wear. Although the prices can be expensive, they give you the best quality garments for beach activities and sportswear.
Location: on Jalan Sunset Road
Batik Keris
Batik Keris sells most Javanese patterns of batik in the form of clothing for women and men, scarves, table linen made from cotton and small souvenirs. Unlike Balinese batik patterns, Javanese batik only uses natural colours such as indigo, black and brown.
Location: on Jalan Legian Kuta and Discovery Shopping Mall 1st floor
Wira’s Batik
If you are wondering where to purchase Batik in high quality fabric, Wira’s is the place to go. The women’s clothing blends the traditional and modern in dresses, tops and skirts, with shirts and trousers for men, all printed on beautiful high-quality silk and cotton. Prices are high but the quality is totally worth it for high-end fashion couture in traditional patterns.
Location: on Jalan Kendedes and SOGO Department Store at Discovery Shopping Mall
Star Surf
If you happen to be just passing by Legian Street, Kuta, have a look inside a big hangar-like store with a real single seat combat plane in it. This unusual accessory has helped make Star Surf one of the biggest surf stores in Bali. Star Surf is loaded with almost every major surfing brand with a wide range of products from surfboards to fashion accessories.
Location: on Jalan Legian Kuta
Motion Skate Shop
The only skateboard dedicated shop in Kuta, Motion aims to promote skateboarding in Bali and Indonesia and hopes the government can be made aware that the sport and its athletes deserve equal opportunity to participate in international competitions. Despite its small number of devotees, Motion Skate Shop stocks almost every leading skate brand like Birdhouse, Nike SB, Plan B and many others.
Location: on Jalan Legian Kuta
MSD (Motor Sport Division)
Formerly a motorsport dealer, MSD has turned into an extreme sports division for adrenalin-fuelled activities from mud terrain biking to paragliding. MSD distributes various international extreme sports brands such as Fox Racing, Troy Lee Design, DC Shoes, Thor, and many others. If you feel that your current sport is not macho enough, you should try riding on a hi-speed motor trail over limestone hills or paragliding off the Bukit Peninsula’s cliffs.
Location: on Jalan Bypass Ngurah Rai Kuta
Bali Shopping by Area
Virtually everybody comes to Bali to shop, and even if shopping wasn't the ultimate aim, you'll still end up with fascinating and irresistible buys. Bali is a treasure trove of fine art and handicrafts, antique and semi-antique furniture, paintings, delicately carved jewellery, wood and stone carvings, masks, woven and dyed fabrics. (What to buy in Bali)
Bargaining in markets, shops and art shops, is normal practice and getting a good price depends largely on one's bargaining prowess. As bargaining forms a large part of the fun of shopping in Bali, remember to carry cash, as not all places accept credit cards - and be good humoured. Shops are usually open from 10am to 11pm.
International labels, local designer clothes plus skillful tailors and dressmakers offer reliable 24-hours services. Shops selling similar items are normally grouped together to make comparing prices easy, and if the shop you're in doesn't have a particular colour or size, why, just pop over next door!
Bargaining in markets, shops and art shops, is normal practice and getting a good price depends largely on one's bargaining prowess. As bargaining forms a large part of the fun of shopping in Bali, remember to carry cash, as not all places accept credit cards - and be good humoured. Shops are usually open from 10am to 11pm.
International labels, local designer clothes plus skillful tailors and dressmakers offer reliable 24-hours services. Shops selling similar items are normally grouped together to make comparing prices easy, and if the shop you're in doesn't have a particular colour or size, why, just pop over next door!
Balinese music represents, to a large extent, a survival of the pre-Islamic music of Java. It was taken to Bali by Hindu Javanese in the 15th cent. and uses the tonal systems of Javanese music , of which pelog is by far the more important in Bali. Balinese music sounds impetuous and noisy, in contrast to the soft, tranquil music heard currently in Java. Few gamelans, the orchestras of tuned percussion instruments, play in Java today but they flourish, their archaic forms preserved, in modern Bali. The gamelans of the princes are no longer important in Bali, but have left their influence on the village societies for music making. There are also the ceremonial gamelans of the temples.
The most important gamelan instruments are xylophones, which may be made of bronze or bamboo. Bronze xylophones are of two basic types— gangsa, whose keys are supported over a wooden resonance box, and g'ndér, whose keys have individual bamboo resonators. These instruments sometimes play the melody and sometimes they provide a brilliant figuration. Gongs, suspended singly, are used for metrical accentuation; there are also gong chimes, which are of two types. The trompong, a set of 10, is a solo instrument, and the réyong, a set of 12, is played by four men, supplying figuration. Flutes, in two sizes, are made of bamboo and are used in theatrical music. Although the name of the rebab, a two-string spike fiddle, is Persian-Arabic, the instrument probably originated in S China and is used in the music of the gambuh play. Cymbals, bell rattles, and drums supply the all-important elaborate rhythmic background. The anklung is an archaic, tuned bamboo rattle. It is not known in all parts of Bali, but gives its name to the anklung gamelan, a ceremonial gamelan which may at one time have always included anklungs.
The instrumentation and the repertory of a particular gamelan depend on its function. Each of the various forms of dance and drama has a gamelan which specializes in its music. The most recent musical development is kebyar, a restless, explosive music which discards the highly developed, balanced forms of the older music. Kebyar clubs compose their own music, often taking themes from older music. The wealthier clubs include a dancer—a young man who performs seated on the ground, dancing from the waist up. Balinese notation was invented by the Javanese who brought the music to Bali. It gives no indication of the rhythm and is little used. Music is learned by rote; it is not improvisation, however, but a sophisticated, composed art form. Balinese music has had some popularity in the West, mainly sponsored by the composer Lou Harrison , founder of the modern American gamelan movement.
Bibliography: See D. A. Lentz, The Gamelan Music of Java and Bali (1965); C. McPhee, Music in Bali (1965).
The most important gamelan instruments are xylophones, which may be made of bronze or bamboo. Bronze xylophones are of two basic types— gangsa, whose keys are supported over a wooden resonance box, and g'ndér, whose keys have individual bamboo resonators. These instruments sometimes play the melody and sometimes they provide a brilliant figuration. Gongs, suspended singly, are used for metrical accentuation; there are also gong chimes, which are of two types. The trompong, a set of 10, is a solo instrument, and the réyong, a set of 12, is played by four men, supplying figuration. Flutes, in two sizes, are made of bamboo and are used in theatrical music. Although the name of the rebab, a two-string spike fiddle, is Persian-Arabic, the instrument probably originated in S China and is used in the music of the gambuh play. Cymbals, bell rattles, and drums supply the all-important elaborate rhythmic background. The anklung is an archaic, tuned bamboo rattle. It is not known in all parts of Bali, but gives its name to the anklung gamelan, a ceremonial gamelan which may at one time have always included anklungs.
The instrumentation and the repertory of a particular gamelan depend on its function. Each of the various forms of dance and drama has a gamelan which specializes in its music. The most recent musical development is kebyar, a restless, explosive music which discards the highly developed, balanced forms of the older music. Kebyar clubs compose their own music, often taking themes from older music. The wealthier clubs include a dancer—a young man who performs seated on the ground, dancing from the waist up. Balinese notation was invented by the Javanese who brought the music to Bali. It gives no indication of the rhythm and is little used. Music is learned by rote; it is not improvisation, however, but a sophisticated, composed art form. Balinese music has had some popularity in the West, mainly sponsored by the composer Lou Harrison , founder of the modern American gamelan movement.
Bibliography: See D. A. Lentz, The Gamelan Music of Java and Bali (1965); C. McPhee, Music in Bali (1965).
Bali Festivals & Events Guide

Calendar of Bali Events
Festivals and events are important features in the social landscape of Bali, and also permanent fixtures in the lives of the Balinese. These festivals and events are determined by the calendars of the Balinese from long ago.
The major events in the life of a Balinese is believed to occur on fixed dates, which go according to the Balinese Calendar. Unlike temple festivals, these major events take place nearly every six months or every 210 days!
The Balinese believe in annual cycles and every six months of a Balinese's life is a celebration of holidays and life-cycle ceremonies. Since his conception in his mother's womb, every Balinese passes through certain stages, and this carries on up until marriage. These are the events celebrated to mark the passage of a Balinese as he progresses in his life. But the ritual of utmost importance to the Balineses is the ritual of the funeral rites and cremation.
It is, therefore, extremely obvious that festivals and events are an integral part of Balinese life and a huge part of the mysticism and allure that sets Bali apart from any other land. To help preserve and maintain every aspect of this rich culture, the Provincial Government of Bali holds numerous Annual Festivals.
The Balinese use altogether three types of calendars for one year; one is the typical Western calendar, and the other two are local Balinese calendars, the saka and the wuku calendars.
The wuku calendar is used to find out dates for festivals and has 10 different weeks, each from one to 10 days and all running simultaneously.
The saka calendar is a lunar calendar of Hindu origin, which closely follows the Western calendar in terms of the length of the year. With illustrations for each day indicating what activities that day is auspicious for, Balinese calendars make popular souvenirs.
Some of Bali's major temples celebrate their festivals according to the dictates of the saka calendar. Hence, the actual date of a festival is difficult to determine from the Western calendar since the lunar saka does not have a predetermined number of days.
The wuku calendar, however, does have a set number of days. According to the saka, full moons days from the end of September till the start of October, or from early to mid-April are normally important festive dates, and temples will celebrate important temple festivals then.
Bali's most important festival is the Galungan festival. It is a feast and festival which is held throughout the whole island and an annual event in the wuku year. It is believed that during this ten day period all Balinese gods, including Sanghyang Widi, the supreme deity, will descend to earth for the festivities. Barongs prance from temple to temple and village to village in celebration of the Galungan with the gods.
Galungan to the Balinese, is the most important holiday period as it symbolizes the victory of Dharma, or Virtue, upon Adharma, or all that is Evil. The festivities are made extra special by the fitting of 'penjor' on the right side of the entrance to every house.
A penjor is a tall bamboo pole terrifically decorated with woven young coconut leaves, cakes, fruits and flowers; and also a must for every Balinese household. The Galungan also sees the Balinese decked in their finest clothes and jewels for the day.
The last day of the 10-day festival is the most important day. Known as Kuningan, it is the climax of the ten-day Galungan, and also serves to bringing the holiday period to a close. Kuningan is a day for prayer, and a special ritual ceremony is held for the spirits of the Balinese's ancestors.
Just as the Galugan ends with a day of symbolic prayer, its beginning is marked by Pagerwesi. Pagerwesi literally means 'iron fence', and on Pagerwesi day every year, ceremonies and prayers are held in supplication for iron-strong mental and spiritual defense in welcoming the Galungan holiday.
The saka calendar has a major festival called Nyepi, or the final day of the saka year. It falls on the day after the new moon on the ninth month. Nyepi is a celebrated holiday and the Balinese New Year called icaka New Year. It is a day of total silence throughout the island. Nyepi really is a celebration observed with total silence!
On Nyepi day, there is totally no activity - no traffic at all on the roads, no amusement is held the whole day long. No fires also may be lit in observance of the Nyepi and great purification and sacrificial rites are held on the day prior to Nyepi in order to exorcise evil spirits from every corner of Bali.
Bali and the Balinese also celebrate Saraswati, a day devoted to God's manifestation as the wise and beautiful Goddess of Knowledge, Art and Literature - the Dewi Saraswati. To mark this joyous day, books of knowledge, manuscripts and the Wedas are blessed and special offerings are made together with aspirations for knowledge and wisdom.
Arts Festival
Highly notable is the Annual Arts Festival, which interestingly takes place from every second Saturday of June to the second Saturday of July. This Annual Arts Festival is a celebration of exhibitions and performances of various kinds of artworks and cultural achievements, including the absorbing Kite Festival.
The Bali Aga (The Original Balinese)

The original Balinese or Bali Aga, are a unique ethnic group that still live and practise a way of life that pre-dates modern civilisation. The Bali Aga are thought to be the original inhabitants of Bali who fled imperialistic invaders, eventually finding refuge in the solitude of Bali's remote mountains. Only two villages remain - which until recently, were firmly shut away from the rest of the world, hidden in the hills of East Bali.
Located just west of Candi Dasa lie the villages of Tenganan and Trunyan, isolated across the vast Lake Kintamani. The villages, home to the Bali Aga, are shut off by a solid wall surrounding the entire village. The wall is only broken by means of four gates, each facing north, south, east and west. Within these walls lies a massive Banyan tree surrounded by a low wall of uncut stones, making up a small enclosure for a very sacred temple. Tenganan has only recently opened up to outsiders although strict rules still apply, especially concerning marriage to outsiders. Tenganan has wonderful fabrics, including the renowned double weave ikat cloth.
The villagers of Tenganan are tall and slender with very pale complexions and refined manners. The men folk still wear their hair long and have a communistic system which does not recognize individual ownership of property. Every house in Tenganan looks exactly alike, with a flight of steps leading to a small gate opening into a courtyard with sleeping quarters, kitchen, and a long house for storage. A small empty shrine, signifies a place where spirits may rest when they visit their descendants.
Tenganan owns huge tracts of fertile and well cultivated lands capable of satisfying the needs of the village; and also making Tenganan one of the richest in Bali.
A people known for their filed and blackened teeth, the Bali Aga are said to bring the spirits of their ancestors down to Earth for protection through sacrifices. The Bali Aga leave the bodies of their dead in the jungle to be carried away by the spirits, and they are believed to have possibly eaten parts of their headmen's bodies to absorb magic powers. Family clans are ruled by a council of elders who are also religious priests. The Bali Aga revere the forces of nature and the spirits of their ancestors, with whom they continue to live as a great family of both the living and the dead.
Bali Aga Rites
The Tenganans practice an ancient rite known as mekare kare, the ritual blood sacrifice. This is not as gory as it sounds, but an event where all villagers get involved in an annual ritual combat, using thorny pandan leaves to draw blood.
Each combatant hits his opponent with the aim of drawing blood. The ritual fight will be held every time there is a temple ceremony is Tenganan, which tends to fall in the fifth month of the Balinese calendar.
The fighting and the blood are real, and all participants come well prepared, carrying weapons of a rotan-woven shield and a bundle of thorny pandan leaves, used to scratch the opponent's skin until it bleeds.
Before the fight begins, participants drink rice wine or tuak, fermented local palm, to symbolise brotherhood and sportsmanship. But when the selonding music fills the air, a volley of fierce jeers, insults, cheers and shouts are thrown to instill fear. And the fighting begins.
The fighting is judged by a mediator, most probably a prominent figure of the village, and usually lasts for a fierce 5 to 10 minutes. The first person to draw blood with the thorny weapon is victor, and the person he draws blood from is the vanquished. Both victor and vanquished are broken up by the mediator as soon as blood is drawn.
As the injured are treated with traditional liquid medicines, and all fighters recover their strength, the whole village prepares food and drink for an elaborate feast which must follow the Balinese sacrifice of human blood.
Balinese culture has also got a population control mechanism in their child naming practices, and this is not only confined to the Bali Aga, but encompasses every Balinese. Every first born is named Wayan, second born Made, third Nyoman, and the fourth Ketut. Anymore children will see a repeat of the names following the order. But this practice definitely is a big hint and subtle reminder to stop at a maximum of four!
Balinese Religion
Nearly everything in Bali carries a religious significance from creating stone and wood carvings, cremation ceremonies, trance dances and gamelan music, are intended to please and appease the gods.
As most pleasing and appeasing rituals take place in a temple, temples are, undisputedly, the most important structure in Balinese culture, providing a pleasant resting place for the gods during their stay on the island.
Every house on the island has its own shrine, a resting place for ancestral spirits. Even the paddy fields have a shrine for Dewi Sri, the Rice Goddess. Each village has three temples, the Pura Puseh, dedicated to the villagers' ancestors, the Pura Desa, used for official celebrations, and the Pura Dalem or the temple of death, specially dedicated to the deities of death and of cremation.
Cremation Ceremonies
The Ngaben or Cremation Ceremony is a very important part of Balinese culture. The ceremony is performed to send the dead from death to the next life. When death descends on a Balinese, the village kul kul will sound, hanging in the village temple tower to announce the departure of the deceased.
The body will then be placed at the Bale Delod, and the deceased treated as if sleeping. No tears are shed as the Balinese believe that the deceased will return shortly to be reincarnated into the family.
The Priest will then consult the Dewasa for the day of the ngaben ceremony. On the appointed day, the body of the deceased is placed inside a coffin, which is then placed inside a wadah, or sarcophagus shaped in the form of a buffalo. It is actually a temple structure made of paper and light wood.
The funeral procession then leaves for the cremation site, carrying the wadah. The most important part of the ngaben is the burning of the wadah, with fire taken from a holy source, thus sending the deceased to the afterlife,to prepare for a future reincarnation.
Bali Museums Guide

Everything you need to know about Bali's Museums
Most of Bali's museums and galleries are centred in Ubud, but culture and history rich Bali is peppered with museums and galleries - all individually interesting! These museums and galleries offer paintings, wood carvings, textiles and all kinds of souvenirs for viewing and also purchase.
The Museum Puri Lukisan in centre of Ubud, the Neka Museum in Campuhan, Seniwati Gallery and Agung Rai Museum in Pengosekan are a must, to see the difference between creative art and more commercial products.
Central Bali
Museum Puri Lukisan, Ubud
Founded by Rudolf Bonnet and Cokorda Gde Agung Sukawati, Ubud's Museum Puri Lukisan houses a permanent collection of Balinese painting from the turn of the century; displaying fine examples off all schools of Balinese art. This museum has a collection of 150 painting and 62 pieces of sculptures. The first fine arts museum in Bali, it has a valuable aim of culturing Bali's very aesthetic art and culture for its next generation.
Museum Neka, Ubud
The superb Neka Museum, in Campuan, is another excellent museum, with marvelous collections of traditional Balinese paintings by local artists and foreign artists who lived in Bali; and items of modern Balinese art. The museum stores art from the Kamasan style of the 16th century to modern 20th century paintings. The whole collection is displayed chronologically, to provide an overview of Bali's history of fine arts.
The Neka Gallery on Jalan Raya , and the Agung Rai Gallery in Peliatan are some of Bali's largest and most important.
Museum Nyoman, Ubud
This three storey museum in Mas village follows the conception of Tri Angga, that is, the three parts of human body; head, body, and legs. The museum's art collection is a mix of works of painters from the olden days of the ancient Klungkung Kingdom to this very day.
Museum Agung Rai, Ubud
Sprawling all over six hectares, the Museum Agung Rai was built based on the concept of a "living museum". It displays paintings and holds stage presentations for various art forms; and is a place for karawitan. It comes complete with an arts library and book gallery, hotel, restaurant, cafe, and coffee shop. One of the museums main specialty is its terrific views of Ubud, with rice fields and trenches integrated into part of the museum.
Seniwati Gallery of Art by Women
This gallery was established in 1991 by Mary Northmore, the very personable wife of famous painter Abdul Azis; with the aim of helping Balinese women to be accepted as artists; and also to expose the long hidden and unrecognised brilliance of women artists in Bali. The gallery also serves to motivate, train and encourage young talented Balinese girls achieve their full potential in the world of arts.
Southern Bali
Museum Negeri Propinsi Bali, Denpasar
This museum in Denpasar was founded by the Yayasan Bali Museum in December 8, 1932. It has interesting exhibits of traditional tools, crafts, masks and costumes from all over Bali; and displays archaeological items and a collection of ethnographical exhibits.
Museum Le Mayeur, Sanur
This memorial museum immortalizes the memory and enduring love of a pair of lovers - Le Mayeur and Ni Polok. All displays and exhibits are from the collection of Le Mayeur's paintings.
Museum Manusa Yadnya, Taman Ayun
Just as its name implies, the Museum Manusa Yadnya details items regarding the process of a human's life from the womb to the tomb.
Northern Bali
Museum Gedong Kirtya, Singaraja
This wonderful museum in Singaraja is a display of thousands of ancient Balinese letters in chronological order; the kakawin, or old Balinese poetry; and the geguritan which written on the palm leaf. All these and more are stored in the original building that was built in 1928 and still standing tall today.
Western Bali
Museum Subak, Tabanan
Tabanan is a region popularly known as Bali's 'rice warehouse'. Hence, it is no surprise to learn that Tabanan is home to the Subak Museum, which houses a vast collection of, what else, but agricultural items. An interesting display to take note of is Bali's typical watering system, called Subak, the museum's namesake.
Museum Gedong Area, Gianyar
Located in the Bedulu Village, this museum's collection is dedicated to archaeological items reflecting the history of Bali's cultural development.
Eastern Bali
Museum Seni Lukis Klasik, Klungkung
This museum is owned by the talented Nyoman Gunarsa, and is used as an outlet by the man himself to exhibit his masterpieces, completing the museum's collection, which documents the classical paintings of Bali. The Museum Seni Lukis Klasik is located in the village of Banda village.
Museum Manusia Purba, Gilimanuk
The Museum Manusia Purba, at the western end of Bali, was established in 1990s. It all began with an archaeological expedition of Dukuh Cekik in 1962, by R.P. Soejoeno from the Bali Archaeological Service. The expedition estimated that approximately 2,000 years ago, the stone age man dwelled on the site of the museum.
Bali Dance & Shadow Puppet Guide

Art is everywhere in Bali. From the intricate flower decorations in a Barong dancer's headdress, to elaborately carved temple facades and beautiful oil paintings. Bali's performing arts are also an integral part of Balinese culture.
Music and dance play a huge part in significant rituals and religious ceremonies. Known as " the Island of the Gods" hardly a day goes by without a ceremony or festival taking place. Traditional dances with full gamelan orchestras are performed for tourists daily in addition to the day to day religious ceremonies. Definitely worth seeing.
Barong Dance
The Barong is triumphant display of graceful movement and vibrant colour. The dance is basically a contest between the opposing forces of Rangda - chaos and destruction, and Barong - order. (Basically good and evil.)
Suwung and Kesiman, in the suburbs of Denpasar.
Batubulan: Daily from 9:00 or 9:30 a.m.
Banjar Abasan, Singapadu: Daily from 9:30 a.m.
Puri Saren in Ubud: Fridays from 6:30 p.m.
Legong Dance
The Legong is a very difficult dance requiring great dexterity and is generally performed by young girls. The dance is choreographed to the finest detail, to a set pattern with no improvisation allowed.
Peliatan Stage, Friday from 6:30 p.m.
Pura Dalem & Puri Peliatan, Saturday from 6:30 p.m.
Pura Peliatan in Ubud, Sunday from 7:30 p.m.
Puri Saren, Ubud, Monday from 7:30 p.m.
Banjar Tegal, Kuta, Saturday and Tuesday from 8:00 p.m.
Kecak Dance
The kecak is a ritual dance which was created in the early 1930's for the movie "Island of the Demons" by the German painter and intellectual Walter Spies. The dance combines the chorus of the "Sanghyang" trance dance with a dance story from the epic "Ramayana."
It is extremely impressive with its circular chorus of sometimes over 100 bare-chested male singers.
Arts Center, Denpasar, daily from 6:30 p.m.
Banjar Buni, Kuta, Sunday from 8 p.m.
Banjar Tegal, Ubud, Sunday from 6:00 p.m.
Fire Dance
This dance is an exorcism dance form against spirit possession, where barefooted girls in trance dance among glowing coals.
Bona Kangin, Gianyar, Friday. Monday and Wednesday from 6:30
Bonasari, Gianyar, Friday, Monday and Wednesday from 7:00 p.m.
Batubulan, daily from 6:30 p.m.
Ramayana Dance
This highly entertaining dance form plays out the epic legends of the Ramayana. There are occasional performances in Banjar Buni, Kuta.
Shadow Puppets - Wayang Kulits
Wayang Kulit, is an Indonesian shadow puppet play, which uses intricately made and beautifully painted, gilded leather puppets. Although only the puppets' shadows are seen by the audience, the performances are fascinating. The stories told by shadows are often from the spirit world and are full of symbolism and mysticism.
A single, highly skilled puppeteer controls hundreds of puppets; plays out the roles of different characters with a different voice for each character; and leads the traditional musicians.
Wayang kulit plays can play for several hours or be several days long.
Popular performances are at Banjar Buni, Kuta, every Monday and Thursday 8:00 p.m.
Oka Kartini, Tebesaya, Peliatan, Ubud, on Saturdays from 8:00 p.m.
Introducing Tulamben
he big attraction here is the wreck of the US cargo ship Liberty – among the best and most popular dive sites in Bali. Other great dive sites are nearby, and even snorkellers can easily swim out and enjoy the wreck and the coral. Tulamben’s beachfront is quite different from other beach resorts – heavy, black, round boulders and pebbles make it unappealing for sunbathers or casual swimmers. Services beyond the hotels are few.
Introducing Ubud
Perched on the gentle slopes leading up towards the central mountains, Ubud is the other half of Bali’s tourism duopoly. Unlike South Bali, however, Ubud’s focus remains on the remarkable Balinese culture in its myriad forms.
It’s not surprising that many people come to Ubud for a day or two and end up staying longer, drawn in by the rich culture and many activities. Besides the very popular dance-and-music shows, there are numerous courses on offer that allow you to become fully immersed in Balinese culture.
Sensory pursuits are amply catered to with some of the best food on the island. From fabled world-class resorts to surprisingly comfortable little family-run inns, there is a fine choice of hotels. Many places come complete with their own spas, for hours or days of pampering packages.
Around Ubud are temples, ancient sites and whole villages producing handicrafts (albeit mostly for visitors). Although the growth of Ubud has engulfed several neighbouring villages, leading to an urban sprawl, parts of the surrounding countryside remain unspoiled, with lush rice paddies and towering coconut trees. You’d be remiss if you didn’t walk one or more of the dozens of paths during your stay.
It’s not surprising that many people come to Ubud for a day or two and end up staying longer, drawn in by the rich culture and many activities. Besides the very popular dance-and-music shows, there are numerous courses on offer that allow you to become fully immersed in Balinese culture.
Sensory pursuits are amply catered to with some of the best food on the island. From fabled world-class resorts to surprisingly comfortable little family-run inns, there is a fine choice of hotels. Many places come complete with their own spas, for hours or days of pampering packages.
Around Ubud are temples, ancient sites and whole villages producing handicrafts (albeit mostly for visitors). Although the growth of Ubud has engulfed several neighbouring villages, leading to an urban sprawl, parts of the surrounding countryside remain unspoiled, with lush rice paddies and towering coconut trees. You’d be remiss if you didn’t walk one or more of the dozens of paths during your stay.
Introducing Padangbai
Located on a perfect little bay, tiny Padangbai is the port for ferries between Bali and Lombok, and passenger boats to Nusa Penida. It is also a popular place to break a journey and relax while you plan your assault on Bali or Lombok (depending on which way you’re heading), and it’s a smaller, quieter, more beachy option than Candidasa. It takes about 10 minutes to walk from one end of town to the other. Take time to choose one of the many places to stay and eat; they’re all very close together.
Introducing Danau Bratan Area
Driving inland from the humidity of southern Bali, you gradually leave the rice terraces behind and ascend into the cool, damp mountain country around Danau Bratan. This lovely area is an excellent place to relax and use as a base for hiking around the lakes and surrounding hills.
The neighbouring towns of Candikuning and Bedugul have a picturesque temple, botanical gardens and a colourful market where you can buy the local fruit that grows in profusion. Thankfully, the area lacks the tourists and touts found around Gunung Batur, though Sunday and public holidays are usually very busy with local visitors.
In the west, the area around Munduk is great for trekking and you can enjoy views all the way down to the north coast.
The neighbouring towns of Candikuning and Bedugul have a picturesque temple, botanical gardens and a colourful market where you can buy the local fruit that grows in profusion. Thankfully, the area lacks the tourists and touts found around Gunung Batur, though Sunday and public holidays are usually very busy with local visitors.
In the west, the area around Munduk is great for trekking and you can enjoy views all the way down to the north coast.
Introducing Candidasa
Tourist development ran amok in Candidasa and now there’s shoulder-to-shoulder development, an unattractive proposition for many. The main drawback is the lack of a beach, which, except for the far eastern stretch, has eroded away as fast as hotels were built. Most of the coastline has breakwaters, so you can’t even walk along it. The main drag is noisy and doesn’t get sea breezes.
Despite all this, Candidasa is much less hectic than South Bali and is often as sleepy as the lotus blossom–filled lagoon. Many find it a fine base to explore eastern Bali and there are some good restaurants. It’s popular with divers and snorkellers, although beach-lovers will prefer Padangbai.
Despite all this, Candidasa is much less hectic than South Bali and is often as sleepy as the lotus blossom–filled lagoon. Many find it a fine base to explore eastern Bali and there are some good restaurants. It’s popular with divers and snorkellers, although beach-lovers will prefer Padangbai.
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